US Presidents

Showing 1 - 1 of 1 products.
$ to $
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Platinum
  • Palladium
  • 1 gram
  • 2.5 gram
  • 5 gram
  • 10 gram
  • 50 gram
  • 100 gram
  • 250 gram
  • 1/20 oz
  • 1/10 oz
  • 1/5 oz
  • 1/4 oz
  • 1/2 oz
  • 1 oz
  • 2 oz
  • 5 oz
  • 10 oz
  • 20 oz
  • 50 oz
  • 100 oz
  • 1/2 kilo
  • 1 kilo
  • 5 kilo
  • 10 kilo

US Presidents

    A very popular subject for both silver art bars and rounds is U.S. Presidents. Presidential
    items are so popular that we separate it into its own category from the representations
    of other people. Presidential images have been fashionable collectibles since the
    birth of the Republic, as each Chief Executive came to symbolize the America of
    his term of office.