Portfolio Tracker

Track the performance of your precious metals holdings with the Gainesville Coins Portfolio Tracker. This free service allows you to track the historical performance of your precious metal you are invested in.
You can create separate portfolios for each type of precious metal you own if you want to track your holdings in each metal separately, as well having a "master" portfolio to track the total value of all your precious metals together.
Gainesville Coins Portfolio Tracker
- Track the exact bullion coins and bars you own.
- Easily make custom charts and graphs of the performance of your assets.
- See at a glance the total ounces and melt value of each type of precious metal you own.

Step 1: Enter Your Portfolios
Easily add bullion items to a precious metal portfolio from the Precious Metals portfolio page. To add multiple items, click "Add Row" for each additional item.

Step 2: Save Your Portfolios
Once you have added your bullion items to your precious metals portfolio, hit the "Save Changes" button.

Step 3: Track Your Portfolios
Track the performance of your precious metals in aggregate, or broken out by metal.
The Gainesville Coins Portfolio Tracker (Portfolio Tracker) is provided solely for general information purposes. Although the Portfolio Tracker may be a useful tool in evaluating a precious metals, it is not intended in any way to be financial, securities, insurance, tax, or legal advice or services.
Gainesville Coins does not assume any duty by making this Portfolio Tracker available, all of which duties are expressly disclaimed, and Gainesville Coins shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions in the Portfolio Tracker or the consequences of any decisions or actions taken in reliance upon the Portfolio Tracker.