All accessories and copper items sold by Gainesville Coins are subject to state sales tax when shipped to a Tennessee address.

Our Account Number is 1001493936-SLC. Certificate of Registration Sales & Use Tax effective 02/04/2020.

Tennessee Tax Code - Sales Tax Exemptions For Precious Metals

Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 67, Chapter 6, Part 3, is amended by adding the following language as a new section:
There is exempt from the tax imposed by this chapter the sale of all coins, currency, and bullion that are:
(1) Manufactured in whole or in part from gold, silver, platinum, palladium, or other material;
(2) Used solely as legal tender, security, or commodity in this or another state, the United States, or a foreign nation; and
(3) Sold based on their intrinsic value as precious material or collectible items rather than their representative value as a medium of exchange.

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